Learn how to use the app
Vendor download from playstore or Appstore
Vendor sign up on the platform by creating account, they provide their basic information.
Service providers apply to join the platform by submitting their credentials and the platform verifies and approves their applicatios
The service provider confirms the user’s request and deliver the service to the user
After the delivery of service the platform pays the service providers after taking their fees from what users paid.
Users download from playstore or Appstore
Users sign up on the platform by creating account, they provide their basic information.
Users search for the service providers they want, or explore the page to look for a suitable service provider at the best price.
Users submit the service request by providing about the request service, they may also communicate with service provider of their choice to provide addittional information
After the service is completed, the platform prompts users to provide feedback.
Users can securely pay for the service s through the platform using various payments methods.